Sunday, August 26, 2007

the first weekend.

sooo my first night here was terrifying. there was an enormous thunder and lightening storm right over us at about two in the morning. it woke my roommate and i up and we sat and watched it for quite a while. the parking lot started to flood. it was intense lightening and the next morning i heard that it had struck a nearby house and caught it on fire. scary! so to say, i didnt sleep well my first night.

yesterday was pretty fun. went to a chapel service and then i went bathroom shopping with my roommate. our apartment is so cute. we had an information mandatory rules meeting that afternoon. that night i had to say bye to my mom which was really hard. we ate dinner on campus and she walked me back to my room. she gave me all of her last words of wisdom and then she left. i cried for a minute. it was hard. right after that we made a walmart run which cheered me up. we came back and tye-dyed some teeshirts for our intermural sports teams and we also made brownies. that night we attended a "kool-aid" party at the boys dorm. it consisted of a ton of people outside the dorm, byoc (bring your own cup) and a huge garbage can full of kool-aid. the drinks were so sweet it made you sick but it was just such a funny event thinking of other college parties compared to our small christian school party, it was pretty neat.

today after waking up late my roommate and i walked over to a ministry fair and learned about all of the areas that we can get involved in off campus. im really looking towards one that works with young children. i think that would be a lot of fun. maybe intercity kids or something. from there we walked ten minutes down to a spanish baptist church. we were supposed to be painting the sanctuary but that had almost been finished by the group before us so instead we spent lots of time cleaning every inch of the kitchen. the work wasnt the most exciting thing out there but i know that it was very well appreciated.

tonight was the moonlight volleyball tournament. i live in "your moms house" so thats our theme. we all dressed up. we had our yellow tye dyed teeshirts that say YMH on the front and on the back of mine it says Mama Bond. that, with shorts, was covered by a robe, we put curlers in our hair and tied bandanas up, mom style of course. we put on mom makeup, some purple eye shadow and red lipstick, and the rest of our face was covered with a bright green face mask. pretty cute. after a long night of intense volleyball with the whole school dressed out in costume our team finally took third for the girls. i cut my knee up pretty badly on the sand but its all good.

im excited for tomorrow. im going to visit a new church, Red Rocks Church, and then my roommate is taking me back to her home where her mom is making dinner and we are going to go running at Garden of the Gods. im really excited about a home cooked meal. tonight im a little homesick. talking to seth made me really sad because he was sad. i talked to my dad today also and he sounded like he missed me a lot. i wonder when it is going to hit me that i am at college. there is no going home. not until thanksgiving atleast....


Anonymous said...

For all of us now seniors, Applying and getting accepted to colleges seems like the most interesting thing right now.

But actually LEAVING for college? I never thought about it.

I hope the transition goes smoothly for you, and that college goes well. Good luck liz.

ReckenRoll said...

I will be home at Thanksgiving too :-)

I am still waiting for it to hit me that I am not going back either!