Thursday, May 29, 2008

the last few days.

hello friends and family,
i have healed from my sickness and am alive and well. ive been too busy to write the last few days but i am doing good. i rested and took medicine and started feeling better a few days later. i think a lot of it had to do with dehydration even though i have been drinking so much water the humidity just sucks it right out of me.

the last few days have been good to me. so much has happened that i cant even remember or know where to start. tuesday maybe? that morning we went back to marion pazon (the rehab orphanage) that i had such a hard time at the first time. this experience was much calmer. there were more staff and fewer kids and the kids were also much more relaxed. i spent time walking around with this girl who just wanted to hold my hand and walk. she had her hands tied back because i guess she would try and hurt herself or pull out her hair so that was kind of sad to see but we had fun together. in the afternoon we went to Sfant Ana, where we hung out with about 10 boys ages 10-15. we had a lots of fun with them. they were pretty well behaved and for the most part acted the same as other teenage boys in america. i played soccer with this one boy daniel and we had so much fun together. a few other boys joined us and it was still good. the hardest part about this time was that they were trying really hard to communicate with me and i couldnt respond. the language barrier hasnt been a huge problem since ive been here but that afternoon was hard. it was nice though because josh hung around and helped translate with us and also helped me to work on my romanian. ill have to tell you later what these boys were saying....

the next day was deadly. a hundred degrees and humid i couldnt handle this. i prepared for the day knowing that i would get sweaty and wet and disgusting so that made it a little easier. the morning was pretty relaxed and we hung out with some kids from sfant ana just inside working on crafts. in the afternoon we went the chatila (the girls orphanage) where we played water games and jumped on the trampoline. we got yelled at in romanian by some of the orphanage staff because the kids were wet and making a mess. shanna replied with "nu vorbesc romaneti" (i dont speak romanian) which only made them even more upset. but we still had fun. this little girl Florica, who is one of the most precious children i have worked with this trip, was there. she is very shy and during the water activities she was scared of everyone so she kept hiding behind me and running all around me just trying to get me to hold and protect her, it was so cute. after this we all went inside and listened to them practice a song they are working on for a project, and then we proceeded to have an all girl dance party to romanian techno whatever you call it, which was the best time EVER. you do know how i love dance parties....

That evening, Kristina, an intern from CTL from wisconsin, took us shopping at a little boutique. when we left it started to rain and storm. the funny thing about romanians is that they would rather wait inside all day then go outside and get a spot of rain on them. as americans, we sprinted down the sidewalk and tried to get to the metro as fast as possible. we stopped under a short ledge for a break when it started to hale inch sized ice balls that were so funny. they started to set off all of the car alarms and as painful as they were all we could do was laugh. it let up and we continued running the rest of the way. we got back to her apartment and she let us relax, watch some tv (in english) and she made us crepes and french fries from scratch which were one of the best things i have ever eaten! it was getting late so we headed home. we walked and made it on the metro and back at night all by ourselves.

today we went to orphanage #5 (a disabilities orphanage) where we held a mini carnival for them. June 1st is The Day of the Child so we helped them celebrate it a little early since some huge elections are being held on June 1st this year. We brought over a trampoline, face paint, cotton candy, and balloons. all of the staff members were there and we had a lot of fun. the kids were a little wild but that was expected. with some of their disabilities a few would often break out into song and i cant tell you how many times i heard the song jingle bells being sung. it was amazing.

we got the rest of the afternoon off which was a nice break. i wrote in my journal and then took a nice long nap. everyone else is still asleep and i think we slept through dinner. time for some cereal- which is what im known for around here. my enjoyment of romanian cereal.

Monday, May 26, 2008


Alas, I am sick. I knew it would come eventually. But yes it came. We already went through Jamie being sick and then Shanna and now it is my turn. It is a tummy thing and all I wanted to do was throw up all afternoon and all evening. I started to feel it when we got on the metro where it was hot and I felt so dehydrated and I just started to cry. I made it back to the house and just sat in the bathroom. Finally, I got myself up and rinsed myself off with cool water which made me feel a little better but after that I just laid in bed all night wanting to throw up or die. We are pretty sure it is from the water or something that we ate that had used the water. No good but Im sure that I will get over it in a few days. I might stay home tomorrow morning if Im still not doing well but i really hope that things will change...

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Today we went to Sinai. We woke up early and left for the train station. We hopped on and headed for our hour and a half ride to the town. I have forgotten how much I loved trains. I really only remember that one time that my brother and I rode from Virginia to Pennsylvania on the train and it was so great. This was kind of like that. It was rainy outside so since it was so early I just put on my head phones and listened to death cab and watched the rainfall as i slowly dozed off.

The sad part of the train ride is that there was a mentally disabled guy on the train who was being kind of annoying but not really disturbing anyone. There was a British man on the train who was really bothered by him even though they were no where near each other. I guess the mental guy walked by him and he got up and yelled at him to sit down in his seat. He grabbed him and kind of pushed him and he fell to the ground. The guy just started crying and the British guy just went off cussing. Some women got really upset and started yelling at the British guy and a nun and one of our girls Shanna helped the other guy. The situation was so random and really kind of disturbing.

Besides this, the train ride was beautiful. The countryside was amazing all lush and green and pretty. Heading towards the alps looked a lot like driving west towards the rocky mountains. But these mountains looked much different. First of all these ones were much smaller and second they were much more green and less rocky.

When we got there we started on our way towards the castle we were planning to visit. The path was all cobblestone and kind of torn apart and just looked old, rugged, and mystical. We arrived at the castle and it was beautiful. The architecture was amazing and there were so many intricate designs. We went a supposedly "english" tour but i really couldnt understand a word that the tour guide said. But that didnt matter because just looking at everything was so beautiful.

After this we did some some shopping. The best part of this was the lace. There was so much of it and it was so inexpensive. The designs were all unique and so beautiful. Another cool thing we saw there was the boomerang like object. It was really like two popsicle sticks together forming and X with a rubber band. You threw it and it made a 90 degree turn and then another until it formed a perfect square and came back to you. I didnt buy one, but it really was amazing.

After this we walked down and got something to eat and then had some coffee. We were supposed to spend the rest of the afternoon on a gondola that went to the top of the mountain but it was raining so hard that they closed it. I was looking forward to that a lot but i will survive. After this we caught our five o clock train and headed back.

The day was not all that i expected but it was still a lot of fun. Sinai was beautiful and reminded me somewhat of a little mountain town in colorado or even like a combination town of girdwood and seward in alaska. it was mystical. so that was the trip. and thats all i got.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Night in Bucuresti

Friday night and theres really nothing to do. We cant speak the language, we dont have transportation, we have no tv, radio, or any other form of entertainment, so currently we are building and Aladdin puzzle.

The last few days have been pretty good. They were pretty routine. Just going to different orphanages. The best part is that the kids now remember us and we are starting to get to know them better and im really enjoying that.

Sad story of the day. I was at one of the orphanages and there was just this little boy who would cry if you didnt hold him. They said that he had a very sad story. He was only about 3 years old and they said he had been kept in a cage his whole life. When they found him and got him out he was barking like a dog and couldnt speak. This story broke my heart. I held him the entire time. We brought a trampoline and all of the kids loved it but since he wouldnt leave my arms I got on the trampoline and bounced with him in my arms which just made him laugh and laugh. He was so beautiful.

Tomorrow morning at 7 we are going to the alps which i am soooooo excited about. It is going to be one awesome day and i guess we are going to climb one of the mountains there. Thats about it for now. I need to get back to puzzle building. Hope everything is well at home!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

zi de zi

today was a much better day. things were more peaceful and calm. the girl that had all the stuff going on ended up leaving to go home to the states today so that was a little hard but i feel that it will make us more focused while here. not too much other stuff going on today though. what is getting me through the rest of the week is knowing that on saturday we are going to sinai in the transylvanian alps which i am more than thrilled about. thats all for now.

pace si dragoste

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

and i dont want the world to see me cause i dont think that theyd understand


this was and probably will be the worst day of the entire trip. nothing went right today. every bad thing that could happen did. i dont even know how to start. how about the beginning of the day.

one of our team members has been having some problems at home and with being homesick. i am not going to go into details about this terrible thing because some of you know her. i will leave it at that she had a mental breakdown/panic attack while on the metro. it was one of the worst things in the word i have ever witnessed. i guess romanians do not cry or act any way like this in public so many of them kept gathering around and asking what was wrong and even old women were doing hand motion crosses over her. that is the story with no detail. but trust me it was a terrible thing.

because of this we lost three members of our group and this morning we were going to a rehab/disabilities orphanage with mainly with kids with autism. there were only four or five of us going and they in no way properly prepared us for this experience. the first little while there was fine we were working with some of the kids on puzzles and such and then we (jamie and i and a staff member) were sent out into the playground to paint the kids faces. this is the part where we were not prepared... we get out there and there are about 25 kids with autism running around and crazy. we tried to keep them calm. there was just us three, another staff member from CTL and then about three teachers from the orphanage. Jamie and i tried to stay together because everyone else dispersed. One boy started slapping us with a stick very hard. we finally got him away. all of the kids wanted their faces painted and were swarming us and started hitting us because they didnt want to wait. one boy i guess had a fascination with jewelry and i had quite a few bracelets on. he grabbed for my livestrong bracelet and did not let go. he finally pulled so hard that in snapped in half off of my hand. those things are tough and dont break easily so you can only imagine how hard it was. a couple of the kids were spitting on jamie. another one tried to bite both of us. then a girl tried to pull out jamies hair. thats when she said im done. Flourina, one of the staff members saw us wrestling with all of this and told us to go outside of the play ground. mind you all of this was not happening at once but in about a 20 minute period. so its not like it was a mad attack or anything. and these kids were not little. many of them were large in size and much older than us. we finally got outside of the playground and just sat there speechless. we were both frustrated and overwhelmed. i have a strong respect for kids with autism and disabilities but i do not feel at all that it is an area i am called to. this was an experienced that has probably changed and scarred me for life. my viewpoint on what my capabilities are and what i can handle have changed drastically. i dont even know what to think about this situation. we talked with some of the staff and im sure we will talk about it in debriefing tonight and in our meeting tomorrow morning. it was a ridiculous experience.

to build on the day. we all met up for lunch, which made me sick. jamie and i were stressed and crying and just wanted to call it a day but we couldnt. from their we headed to the park. now this bad situation to come did not involve us but miscommunication with the staff. certain kids were supposed to be picked and people were waiting and some were late and people were upset so there was quite a bit of fighting between them today. from there we went to the park which was probably the only positive part of the day. i played soccer with this little boy and we had so much fun together. that was definitely the highlight.

now the bad part after that is we were trying to get home... when the metro broke. home was to far to walk or take any other transportation so we waited for sooooooo long until they finally set up another subway to take the frustrated people home in the other direction.

we walked in the front door and i immediately went upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom where i took a loooong shower and shaved my legs for the first time since ive been here.. haha bet you are all excited for me. it was starting to get a little intense so i thought it was about time. but i used my shower time to relax and not really think about today. all i know is that i want and need the biggest hug in the world and someones lap to lay my head in. where are you mom when i need you!

Monday, May 19, 2008


buna de minatza- that really means good morning, but it is actually night here. we dont know how to say goodnight yet, so for now i will just stick with that. i didnt write yesterday because i was probably overwhelmed and exhausted so tonight is for both days.

sunday as a special day. want to know why? because it was the sabbath duh. and here in romania we like to celebrate that by going to church. just like many of you. we all attended the International Church of Bucharest. This church was very fun because though it was in romanian it was also translated into english. i felt it was so amazing though despite the language barrier that we were all able to praise the same god together. the worship music was amazing both in romanian and english. in the service though, it was funny, they had a guest speaker who was from southern california so actually the service was in english and translated into romanian. silly huh? his message was very powerful though and i enjoyed it a lot.

as for today. i woke up overly excited. this occurred as i was pulling up my blue jeans. i slid my brown leather belt through each individual loop ohh so carefully and as i finally arrived at the buckle not only did it go through the normal notch BUT through the next one smaller.... ohhhhhh yeah. this romanian walking sure has paid off already. today we walked EIGHT MILES but we are averaging about 4 to 6 a day. arent you proud? by the time i get home you wont even be able to recognize me! well hopefully not that intense, but you know it never hurts. i like a good daily eight mile walk... not. my knees are already killing me and i feel like i have arthritis in them and it hurts to sit down and stand up. does anyone have some good advice? id could really use some right about now.

but besides my weight issue... today was a good day. this morning we went to the People's Palace. It is an enormous castle like structure that is said to be the first or second largest in the world next to the Pentagon. It was constructed in 1989 by the communist leader with a C last name that i cant spell. and it only took FIVE years to construct. here we were able to take a tour and it was beautiful. almost everything seemed to be made out of marble and there was huge chandeliers and the most beautiful view of the city. before the tour as we were patiently waiting outside the these three young handsome men came gliding in through the doors. immediately, as we all stared at them, they walked up to us softly questioning, "Do you speak English?" They could obviously tell we were American and we were all thrilled to meet some people from the motherland. All three mormon boys from Salt Lake City. All were very friendly and clung to us for the entire tour making as much conversation as possible. It was so funny to see how instantly all of our personalities changed around guys and especially around American guys. We were all back in our element. Though that only lasted a short while, it was nice for that moment to have the feeling of home.

The rest of the afternoon for my team was spent in the girls orphanage Catilla. There we performed a skit, made bracelets, and played games. It has been so neat since we have been to this orphanage a few times to start establishing relationships with some of the girls. They have started to recognize us when we come in and immediately run up and give us hugs. it is such a joyful feeling. this orphanage has been such a blessing to my time here so far.

thats about it for now.

Nu vorbest romaneshtay (phonetically) - I dont speak romanian. something that ive learned very well over the last few days.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Te ubesk!

Sooo I really want to go rock climbing. No one understands what it is here. The only conversation I get about it is either when I'm reading my climbing magazines or playing with my hand thing and everyone here makes fun of me for "working out my hands" and trying to get "ripped fingers". On the metro and on the bus I practice. I hold on to the rail with one or two or three fingers or just onto the edge of the door or just flat on the wall with pressure. When the transportation is coming to a stop then when I test myself. Hahahaha wow reading over that just made me realize how much of a loser I really am....

On to other things. Today was hot. We were outside the whole day and it was hot. But it was so fun. My team took the girls from the girls orphanage to the park. The park was huge and beautiful and green with an enormous lake in the center. We got to go on a ferry ride for free also. I had my girl from the first day-Catalina- by my side the whole afternoon. She barely ever let go of my my hand. The park was playing european techno music and I had a severe craving for an instant dance party. I didnt do this but Catalina said she loved music and loved to dance so I did dance with her a little. It was a beautiful thing. After this we went to a playground and hung out there. This little girl really wanted me to play soccer with her so I did. She wore me out. After 20 minutes of running around and chasing the ball I was dead. The remaining time I spent blowing bubbles with some of the younger ones.

After this I got to eat my first Romanian fast food at a place called Springtime. It was decent. We had chicken and french fries and pickles and then they serve like a whole loaf of dry bread with your meal. The ketchup was also very tasty here. Romanians eat lots of bread and their bread is very good. I have been eating a lot and the walking is not burning it off. So I've limited myself to one slice of fresh bread a day from my usually five or six haha.

Tonight we are just resting an hanging out. Our free time is kind of spent just hanging around and talking. We dont know where anything is or how to get anywhere so we pretty much just stay at the house. There is no radio or anything so we just spend our evening entertaining ourselves with different stories. It is a nice break from home. Tomorrow is our day off. We are going to church and then im not sure what else though. I'm glad for a day off though. Just to relax and stay out of the humid heat. Despite this, I'm really looking forward to next week and all of the millions of kids and service that I will get to devote myself to.

Se Lest by Sugir Ros. My current favorite and best thing to fall asleep to. Check it out.

Today I also learned how to say I love you in Romanian. I will butcher the spelling but you can assume how it sounds- Te ubesk,

Friday, May 16, 2008

Proverbs 16:3

I feel like where I am at right now is more of a lifestyle. We live in this house/building by ourselves. We cook and clean for ourselves (occasionally). We have scheduled time to be places like work and such. This is not a bad thing by any means, but it is also not at all what I expected, although before I left I didnt really know what to expect.

Today was fruitful. This morning we went to a preschool orphanage that had about 25 kids around ages 4 and 5. We took a long tram ride to get there and then walked a couple miles through what our staff leaders said was the poorest part of Bucuresti. They were trying to reconstruct this area but there was still lots of garbage, dirt, and dust everywhere. When we got there we went in the back and set up the stuff we brought. The grass was tall and the play ground equipment was rundown. Later we came to find out that because there are only two women that work here, the children barely ever get to go outside. After we had gotten ready all 25 kids come bursting out from around the corner and pile into our laps. This little girl named Elena jumped into mine. After doing some of our planned activities we just had free time where the kids got to run around and play outside which they absolutely loved. They had so much energy. This one little boy just wanted to be held and swung around and bounced non stop. It was tiring but so great.

After this we came back and had lunch with the staff. Then some of the apartment kids met up with us over here. We served them lunch and then just hung out and talked even though none of them spoke english. I dont know how this worked but it really did. Then we all walked to the park. Before leaving they told a couple of the little boys that they had to find someone older whose hand to hold on the way over. These two little boys ran up and jumped on me. I guess in Romanian they were both yelling, "I want her, she is beautiful!" So that kind of made my day, haha. We all went to the park and then played games and such. It was a great time.

Tonight, we had some time off and a couple of us walked a few blocks to go to a pastry shop. We ordered and everything with barely knowing any Romanian, but we made it. I've also learned that though I really have no fears for being here, my biggest fear is going home. After being here just these few days I have started to see Americans in a whole new light, and its not a really positive one. Just things about our lifestyle and the way we deal with certain things. So I'm really hoping that when I return home things wont be too difficult. But I really am not ready to think about going home yet. I still have too much going on in my head and in my thoughts to work out and come to conclusions.

Tomorrow is the weekend but still a big day of work for us. Sunday will be rest day.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am physically exhausted. I'm starting to get off of the jet lag, but we have been walking so much that I am so sore! I have come to realize how lazy Americans can really be. We complain about the smallest things and feel the need to drive EVERYWHERE. I think its about time that we all get over that. I really understand now how Europeans are so skinny.

This morning our team split up into two different groups. My group went to a day care place for children whose parents cant afford care. There were about 12 children ages 4 and 5. We played some games with them and then made fruit loop necklaces. I worked with this beautiful little girl named Denisa. She was 4 years old and had brown haired pig tails and wide bright marble colored eyes. She say next to me and held my hand as I helped her string the fruit loops on to the yarn. They werent supposed to eat them until they were finished but any ones that didnt fit on the string she would look at me giggle and then shove it into her mouth with a big smile. After this activity we all went outside and played with balls and drew with chalk. The kids had some much energy and were so much fun. They loved to be chased and picked up and just loved. There was this girl Georgiana who had the best smile I have ever seen. It is all she would do, just stand there and smile. When you would smile back at her she would just smile even bigger. These children were amazing.

After lunch today we worked with a group of kids ages 13-17 that live in apartments on there own. They had a school project of taking pictures around Bucuresti so we walked with them downtown and got to see some of the city. Everything looks old and beautiful and you can definitely see the affects that communism has had on this country.

So on to other things. Let see. The food is good. Mama Maria cooks lunch and dinner for us and she is amazing. She speaks no english so we try our best to learn things to say to her. So far our diet has consisted mostly of soup and bread. Though it is tasty I feel that this will start to ware after a while.

Another thing is that now when I hear English words they dont always make sense to me. It sounds like everything is just slurred together and fast. We have only been here three days so I wonder what it will feel like after three weeks of this.

Overall I'm doing very well. I'm learning lots. For one that it sucks to have toilet paper that is pretty much crete paper. Ive learned new ways to take showers and that shaving is overrated and really not all that important for how much work it is here. My bunk bed is hard to get into and that probably wont change but thats okay. My favorite time is morning when I wake up and no one else is up yet and I get to go downstairs look outside and see the sun rising and make myself some breakfast while sitting in the quiet.

Tomorrow is another day.

Chei fache?-How are you?
Multusc-Thank you
muche ca meh-Bite me
Unu doi trie ochii la meh- one two three eyes on me

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day One

A long day here in Bucuresti. It all started at three in the morning where pretty much our entire team was awake but just silent and laying in bed. It took me two hours of listening to Sigur Ros until I finally made the effort to stumble down from my stiff upper bunk. I made my way through the kitchen trying to find something to eat even though I had no idea what anything was. A few other girls made it down and we ended up with some toast and blueberry jam. After this, through a rush of energy and a lack of sleep I started to go crazy releasing my energy. For those of you who really know me, you can only imagine.

We had a morning devotional with our team and the rest of the Romanian staff. We had some time to use until leaving for the orphanage so we went on a walk with Victor and Madalina (two staff members) through a sketchy amusement park that eventually led into a green and lake filled beautiful area. While here we asked them how to say thank you in Romanian so that when we returned we could thank Mama Maria (our cook and house keeper) for making lunch. They proceeded to tell us something that sounded somewhat like- mooska mesha (phonetically spelled). We return home and Dani of course walks up to Mama and puts her arm around her and says this... only to find out that the staff had lied to us and she had really said to Mama "Bite me" haha. Of course she understood this joke as I guess it has happened many times before.

After lunch we left for the girls orphanage. We took a bus and a subway and it was exciting because it was my first time on a subway. It was a different experience but I think very much needed. I did get a little motion sick but I hung in there. The orphanage we went to today had about 20 girls between 1st and 4th grade. Some were also mentally disabled. We came into the room and sat down and right away this little girl named Catalina came and sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. She looked about 9 years old and was mentally disabled. She pulled at my wrist to observe my watch which she spent about 20 minutes amused with. She rubbed it, smelled it, stared at it, and even kissed it. She put her head on my shoulder and you could tell that all she needed was a little bit of love and affection. But it was such a beautiful thing.

I would write more but there isnt much else to say for today and I just got called away to go to a debriefing meeting. I am not feeling so well so hopefully I will get over that soon. Just a bad tummy and head ache. I cant wait to go to sleep tonight...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hello from Bucuresti!

I made it here alive! It is beautiful and I am jet lagged. It turns out that I will have computers here and easy internet access so I will be writing on here every few days. My friend is also keeping a blog while here and I will post that address as soon as I get that if you guys are interested in reading it. I don't have much time now to write because I have to shower and get down to breakfast but I will in the next few days. Promise.

Monday, May 12, 2008


I'm leaving this morning and I will be back the night of Saturday June 7th so I will talk to you all when I get back!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Baptism, Back of Car, & Brink of Summer

Here is a link to my facebook album of pictures that I just put up that include pretty much what I listed in the heading. For those of you who don't know on Sunday at church I was baptized and it was the most amazing experience of my life. As for back of car, last night my friends jessica, sarah, and i slept in the back of my car in our parking lot. dont ask me why, we just wanted the experience. and brink of summer, well thats pretty self explanatory.

Just kidding, it wont send a link to all of them so ill just post a few on here and if you have facebook (im guessing most of you dont) then check it out.