Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am physically exhausted. I'm starting to get off of the jet lag, but we have been walking so much that I am so sore! I have come to realize how lazy Americans can really be. We complain about the smallest things and feel the need to drive EVERYWHERE. I think its about time that we all get over that. I really understand now how Europeans are so skinny.

This morning our team split up into two different groups. My group went to a day care place for children whose parents cant afford care. There were about 12 children ages 4 and 5. We played some games with them and then made fruit loop necklaces. I worked with this beautiful little girl named Denisa. She was 4 years old and had brown haired pig tails and wide bright marble colored eyes. She say next to me and held my hand as I helped her string the fruit loops on to the yarn. They werent supposed to eat them until they were finished but any ones that didnt fit on the string she would look at me giggle and then shove it into her mouth with a big smile. After this activity we all went outside and played with balls and drew with chalk. The kids had some much energy and were so much fun. They loved to be chased and picked up and just loved. There was this girl Georgiana who had the best smile I have ever seen. It is all she would do, just stand there and smile. When you would smile back at her she would just smile even bigger. These children were amazing.

After lunch today we worked with a group of kids ages 13-17 that live in apartments on there own. They had a school project of taking pictures around Bucuresti so we walked with them downtown and got to see some of the city. Everything looks old and beautiful and you can definitely see the affects that communism has had on this country.

So on to other things. Let see. The food is good. Mama Maria cooks lunch and dinner for us and she is amazing. She speaks no english so we try our best to learn things to say to her. So far our diet has consisted mostly of soup and bread. Though it is tasty I feel that this will start to ware after a while.

Another thing is that now when I hear English words they dont always make sense to me. It sounds like everything is just slurred together and fast. We have only been here three days so I wonder what it will feel like after three weeks of this.

Overall I'm doing very well. I'm learning lots. For one that it sucks to have toilet paper that is pretty much crete paper. Ive learned new ways to take showers and that shaving is overrated and really not all that important for how much work it is here. My bunk bed is hard to get into and that probably wont change but thats okay. My favorite time is morning when I wake up and no one else is up yet and I get to go downstairs look outside and see the sun rising and make myself some breakfast while sitting in the quiet.

Tomorrow is another day.

Chei fache?-How are you?
Multusc-Thank you
muche ca meh-Bite me
Unu doi trie ochii la meh- one two three eyes on me

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