Monday, March 31, 2008

spring break alright

it has been quite the week... i dont even know what to say but it feels like it is officially the longest week ever. it started two wednesdays ago where after class i went to the rock gym and was able to go top lining (rock climbing with ropes) for one of my first times. i have been bouldering (climbing with no ropes) the last couple weeks so this was a nice change. i was able to learn a lot from my friend and also get belaying certified, which i was pretty excited about. on thursday i skipped the last day or school before break to go for a nice day of snowboarding. this trip was the most eventful by far because due to traffic and stops i had the ability with a friend to have a dance party (yes a dance party) in the middle of I-70 with some random people from alabama. it was the most amazing experience of my life. it wasnt dirty dancing, dont get me wrong family, but just a little harmless dance moves to some techno coldplay. this event was seen by many cars around us and even by soem guy videoing us on his iphone- that was a little creepy.

friday i left for good old seattle where i would spend the next few days with me mama and my cousin katie. this trip was pretty fun but also had a lot of downtime which was good. we got to eat at a number of delicious restaurants, which i am now thanking myself for at the gym. we also did some fun shopping. my mom and i went to the goodwill outlet (who knew they had them!) here all of the clothes were in giant bins that you had to dig through and was a complete madhouse of people. but the first item i did grab was a polar fleece pink northface jacket, that was in perfect condition. this jacket, normally at 150 dollars, i paid for by the pound which ended up costing me about 88 cents im guessing. the best bargain of my entire life. my other favorite shopping was at rei where i got a sweet sleeping bag (charlotte) which im taking to romania, and also a nice mountaineering backpack, which they molded to my body, also for my trip. and thanks to my new membership and tax exempt, i saved quite a bit of money.

on the trip i also got to see my cousin jason and his two daughters. we drove a hour to get the beautiful town of olympia which was filled with enormous trees and lots of greenery. we went out and had a nice lunch. the girls were so cute and funny it and it was so nice to see them since it has been a number of years.

after the trip i returned back to colorado where i had a nice time. i was alone in my apartment so i got to work on some homework, do some cleaning, get in some nice runs to the park, and also just some down time to watch my new favorite tv show GREEK. it is amazing really. there were some other people im my stairwell so i wasnt completely alone but it was still so refreshing to be back in colorado.

saturday morning, i made the four hour trek west to grand junction to surprise nick for his twentieth birthday. we had a lot of fun and it was so good to see him after a week. the weather was nice the first day so we spent some time outside and with his family. sunday was his birthday so we went out to breakfast with his family and some relatives and then went to his grandmas house to have cake and presents. that night there was an a storm with the most amazingly huge lightening strikes. we were able to watch it from his living room because it has a view of the valley and it was terrifying but beautiful.

this afternoon (monday afternoon) we left to drive back through the pass to denver. after about two hours of driving there were cops lined up blocking of the road. we overheard them saying to someone that there was a bad snow storm and fatal accidents so they had closed off the pass. we called home to see if there was an alternate route but, of course, there was an accident on that road too. so we turned around and drove two hours back to grand junction where we got to at about 7 tonight. we are going to leave around 7 tomorrow morning and hopefully it will be a much easier, and safer, trip.

tonights pretty thrilling though... nick has been writing a paper the last few hours so i have been able to take a nap, watch tv, and get a few other boring tasks out of the way. hahaha..amazing. but despite all of this, it was worth it to come see him. so that was my spring break, and it was extended a few days (which i dont mind) but im still ready to get back home now!

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